
nambala yambili = 2;
mawu dzina = "Maliko";


We have both single-line and multi-line comments

Single line comments start with // and continue to the end of the line.

// Ndemanga ya mzere modzi

Block comments are enclosed within /_ ... _/ and can span as many lines as necessary.

Ndemanga ya mizere yambiri

Conditional expressions

if statement

ngati(yoyamba > yachiwiri) {
    // panga zinthu

If you want to provide an else statement

ngati(yoyamba > yachiwiri) {
    // panga zinthu
} kapena {
    // panga zinthu


While loop

pamene(yoyamba > 2) {
    // panga zinthu

For loop

za(nambala x = 0; x > 5; x++) {
    // panga zinthu

Break and continue

siya (Break)

siya is used to exit a loop prematurely (can used both in pamene and za loops).

za(nambala x = 0; x > 5; x++) {
    ngati(x == 3) {
    // panga zinthu

pitirizani (Continue)

pitirizani is used to skip the current iteration of a loop and continue to the next one.

za(nambala x = 0; x > 5; x++) {
    ngati(x == 3) {
    // panga zinthu