Nambala (Number)

In Duwa, Nambala (Number) is a type that represents numbers. It is used to represent numeric values. Numbers in Duwa are represented using the IEEE 754 standard. In duwa there no difference between integers and floating point numbers.


nambala x = 10;
nambala y = 10.0;

Examples usage

nambala x = 10;
nambala y = 10.0;
nambala z = x + y;

Conversion to Nambala

To explicitly convert a value to a number, you can use the kuNambala function.


If the string is a valid number, it will be converted to a number. Otherwise, it will be converted to 0.

nambala x = kuNambala("10");
Khonso.lemba(x); // 10


zoona is converted to 1 and bodza is converted to 0.

nambala x = kuNambala(zoona);
Khonso.lemba(x); // 1

Note: Convertion from other types to number is not supported yet. (If it works, it's a bug)